Piero Lissoni receives the Compasso d’Oro Career Award

We are delighted to announce that the Joint Committee of the ADI and the Fondazione ADI Collezione Compasso d’Oro has awarded the Compasso d’Oro to Piero Lissoni for his Career as an undisputed protagonist of Italian design culture. Each year the prize is awarded to various national and international personalities who have distinguished themselves in the planning sphere.

The motivations of the jury were the following: “A career marked by modernism, a career path consisting of cohesion and method, able to offer reassuring and measured gazes combined with thrilling poetics. A career that has known how to explore and combine different project disciplines, rendering to us the idea of the unitary nature of creative action”.

On the same evening, the Jury of the 28th edition of the award also assigned a Compasso d’Oro to the SP110 project, the open coupé yacht realized by Sanlorenzo, the interiors of which are designed by Piero Lissoni. The project team also includes Bernardo Zuccon for the exteriors, Tilli Antonelli for product development at Sanlorenzo and Marco Arnaboldi for the hull project.

"Good design is collective thinking." Piero Lissoni

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Web Design / Tommaso Cavallini; Text / Alice Caudera, Laura Cucchi, Donatella Brun; Translation / Richard Peace; Content management / Giorgia Maretta, Laura Presti, Constanza Coscia; Web development / Friweb.
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